When we screen
When will I get my appointment?
Screening is organised according to your GP practice. (this list is updated regularly but may be subject to change). Ladies can telephone the centre on 0333 200 2062 to find out when their GP Practice is due for screening.
Once every three years your GP practice will be contacted and all women eligible for screening will be invited. Not every woman will receive an appointment as soon as she is 50. However you should receive your first appointment by your 53rd birthday and therefore there is no need to contact us for an appointment. The list of who is to be screened is compiled from GP lists so it is important to ensure that your details are correct with your GP Practice.
Women over the age of 71 are encouraged to continue with breast screening but must contact the screening office for an appointment.
Please note that if at any time you notice any changes in your breasts or have any breast symptoms of any kind then please contact your GP practice immediately.
We are currently offering appointments in the following locations
Farnham Hospital in Hale Road
East Surrey Hospital
Guildford Tesco mobile unit
Caterham Tesco mobile unit
St Peters Hospital