Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

If you have a question please check the FAQs below. Click on the FAQ heading to view the whole text

If you still can't find the answer you're looking for then please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to try and help.

Once every three years your GP practice will be contacted and all women at the GP practice between the ages of 50 and 70 will be routinely invited. Not every woman will receive an appointment as soon as she is 50. You will receive your first appointment before your 53rd birthday. Note that it is essential you are registered with your GP practice.
If you are over 71 and have not been screened for over 3 years, you are encouraged to continue with Breast Screening. Please contact the Jarvis Breast Centre on 0333 200 2062 to book an appointment.
Currently the breast screening programme is inviting women between the age of 50 and 71 years.
You should continue to be breast aware learning what is normal for you and reporting any changes or concerns to your GP without delay. Do not wait until your next mammogram. Breast screening will pick up most but not all breast cancer.

Here is a helpful link: Breast Cancer Now
From time to time changes to the screening plan results in women receiving an appointment slightly later or earlier than the normal 3 year interval.

Manage your appointment

If you have been asked to book an appointment or would like to change it, we will be very happy to arrange this for you.

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Where we screen.

We screen at various convenient places across the region.

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For a selection of answers to frequently asked questions, please click here
